Hyperrealism Classes

Hyperrealism Classes

If you want to learn how to paint photorealism, these next few pages will walk you step by step through the photorealist painting techniques that I use to create my photorealistic paintings, such as the ones on the right.

This step-by-step guide may be an equally interesting read for non-artists who have a deep appreciation for photorealist art and want to understand how photorealist paintings are created, from start to finish. You can see more of my photorealist work on my art website.

There are many mediums an artist can use to paint (or draw) photorealistically. The most common are oils, acrylics (paintbrushed or airbrushed), watercolor, graphite, colored pencil, and pastel.

The majority of my photorealist work is done in acrylics using a paintbrush (as opposed to an airbrush), although I have used watercolor and colored pencil as well. For the purposes of this write-up, I’ll focus mainly on acrylics.

Best artists in this genre:

  • Diego Fazio
  • Robin Eley
  • Ron Mueck


  • 1 – 5 sessions per month     $69.00
  • 5 – 15 sessions per month     $59.00
  • 15 – 30 sessions per month     $49.00

Instructor for this class

Mary Benson– Owner/Head Instructor

Favorite painting style: futurism

Mary Banson is an acclaimed abstract artist based in New York City and a lively, energetic and inspiring art instructor at The Art Studio NY. Inspired by incomplete images while creating his own creative, abstract language on canvas, Kevin’s resulting paintings and drawings are both dynamic and meditative. Kevin uses a wide variety of materials in his artwork, including acrylic and oil paint, colored pencil, graphite, collage, and mixed-media. Kevin shares of his artwork, “I am not interested in depicting a specific narrative. Instead, I am interested in establishing a space where narrative can be developed.”

Kevin’s creative attitude in his artwork and teaching allows for an openness of meaning and artistic exploration. He believes in the breadth of visual, artistic language and the necessity of exploring it. Above all, Kevin believes in the importance of art and he is committed to the act of making art and teaching art. Kevin’s upbeat, joyous attitude is contagious, and his students enjoy how he weaves rich artistic content and technique while creating an incredibly fun environment in his art classes at The Art Studio NY.

Learning anything new is a fun thing to do. But learning to paint is both festive and relaxing!

 Artwork activities will balance you!